This article will walk you through the steps for making, rescheduling, and canceling appointments with your instructor/TA via the Canvas Calendars tool.
Sign up for an appointment
1. Go to “Calendar” on the Canvas global navigation bar
2. Click the “Find Appointment" button.
Note: If the "Find Appointment" button is missing in step 2, reach out to your instructor or TA for alternative appointment booking methods.
3. Select the course you are looking [1] for and then submit [2]
4. All available appointment times are shown. Timeslots open for sign-up will be brightly colored, whereas reserved timeslots will appear in a faded color.
5. On the calendar, select the desired time slot [1]. This opens an appointment window showing the time, calendar, and details. If you wish to leave comments for your instructor, enter them in the "Comments" section [2]. To secure your chosen slot, click "Reserve" [3].
Reschedule for another time
To reschedule, simply click on another available time slot. A message will appear reminding you of your existing reservation. Choose "Reschedule" [1] to change your appointment or "Do Nothing" [2] to retain your original slot.
Cancel an appointment
To cancel your appointment, select the appointment time [1] and then click on the "Un-reserve" link [2].
Enter your reason for cancellation in the comment field [1]. Inform your instructor about your decision by adding the necessary details. Then, click the "Delete" button [2]. Comments entered during the deletion process are communicated via email.